Consider the End-User Experience

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A smooth implementation can make or break the success of a new solution. When users can understand their role and easily navigate a new system, they will be optimistic about changing their day-to-day tasks. Change management is difficult for most people, so a seamless process is vital to a successful system.

Other than the technical implementation, the training options are important to consider when evaluating software. Management often makes the decision based on the functionality, not the ease of use. It does not have to be that way; you can have both!

We believe that implementing a SaaS records requests solution should not require months of training or an extensive handbook.

JustFOIA is the easiest-to-use records requests software that manages every step of the process from intake to delivery.

Don’t just take our word for it, our clients agree! The interface and features are designed based on direct feedback from our clients.

Not only are we able to deploy your JustFOIA software quickly, but our online training platform also makes onboarding your team an exciting adventure.

We believe that investing in training for users of all levels is the best way to make the most out of your software.

JustFOIA Training can be a resource for ramping up new staff members, helping existing employees brush up on their skills, or teaching your team about new or advanced features.

The JustFOIA Training Center is a video-based, on-demand training that covers everything from basic user functions to more complex administration and automation features. This comprehensive training website provides an easy, cost-effective way to provide training to all users in your organization.

Not a JustFOIA user? Are you interested in learning more about how JustFOIA can streamline your business processes? Contact us today!