FEATURE | Single Sign-On

Secure Access with Single Sign-On

Put your mind at ease—SSO helps keep unauthorized users from accessing sensitive records request data in JustFOIA.

Users and IT Agree: SSO is Just Easier

System users love the convenience of logging on in a few clicks without remembering complicated passwords. IT staff loves tightened security, fewer password resets, and easily adding and removing users.

Single Sign-On Benefits

Problems with Manual Sign In

But SSO...

Common Enterprise Connections

How SSO Works

Single Sign On Process JustFOIA
  1. User logs into JustFOIA
  2. Identity provider receives authentication request
  3. Identity is authenticated and a response is sent to JustFOIA
  4. Verified user is granted access

What Our Clients Say...

Learn More

Your FOIA software will process documents containing sensitive information about your organization and individuals. It’s essential to investigate security features thoroughly. In this blog, we cover three areas of security that agencies need to consider when evaluating potential SaaS options.

Security in SaaS: What Every Agency Should Know When Choosing a Public Records Request Platform

Lack of scalable processes can waste time and pose compliance risks. Read about how to conquer this and other FOIA challenges.

5 Public Records Request Process Challenges (and How to Prevent Them)

Let's Get Technical and Dig a Little Deeper

No, there is no limit to the number of JustFOIA users that may authenticate with our optional Single Sign-On integration.

All new users that log in via the SSO provider are created within JustFOIA automatically under a View-Only permissions role. Of the four user roles – Administrator, Power User, User, and Viewer – the Viewer has the least access to the system so it's the most secure initial setup. Permissioned access within JustFOIA is managed by the system Administrator while your organization's IT management can instantly deprovision access if an employee were to leave.

Not all users in the system need authentication with your SSO provider. The user administration page will allow you to manage existing users. In addition, you can stop the automatic redirection to your SSO provider and reach the manual log-in page by using a specific URL.

JustFOIA does not store user authentication data. Instead, it makes a call to your identity service every time. When someone leaves the organization and your internal IT team removes their access from your central identity servicetheir access to JustFOIA is also removed.

Your requesters access their requests in a separate place (Public Portal) and use a separate authentication system than internal users. If anyone outside of your organization try to access to your internal system, their credentials would not be authenticated and they would be blocked.